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We have all heard about these fancy new houses that do everything for you, and maybe that sounds right up your alley! Or maybe you have not and are just looking for a way to save a few extra quid while also helping the environment. Well, that is what this blog is for! To walk you through some basic amenities that smart homes offer while also explaining the benefits of having a smart home.

Smart houses and whether they’re right for you

  • Security: This comes in the form of cameras and motion detectors. Doors that can be locked through the Internet with cameras that only activate when they detect motion, to help protect your privacy. As well as a staff ready to contact the authorities if a fire or anything else breaks out.
  • Adjustability: This allows for precise decisions on how to use your house. In the dead of winter, it is rough coming home to a cold house. With a smart home you can turn the heating on whilst you’re still at the office, so when you come home, it is all nice and toasty. This is one example of hundreds of products. Many people assume making your house smart is a huge financial investment but starting small is always a possibility.
  • Convenience: Have you ever arrived at work and realised you can’t remember whether you closed the door? Well now you can just check an app! If it turns out you did forget, with just one touch of a bottom you can lock your door. Or if you put automated locks on all the windows and doors, you can lock down the entire house!

Lowering your electric and gas bill

One major benefit of a smart home is the reduction on your household bills; as no matter how on top of your heating or water bill you are, a computer will always be more efficient. Installing a full home heating system is a large first investment, however if you plan to live there for a while it will pay itself off. Yet sometimes that is too much, but it’s still possible to start off small. For example: GROHE has a smart shower thermostat that is low flow while also allowing instant on/off hot water while you lather up. There are also smart light bulbs that use much less power than normal bulbs while also having an on/off clap feature, which really makes you feel like you are in the future. If this idea of smart homes catches your fancy: Here is a blog all about smart home living!

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