simba mattress review 2

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Mattress shopping seems complicated, but you can make it easy. All you need to do is know some basic information about yourself and what you like. In fact, the factors in picking out your mattress can be boiled down to two basic pieces of information. While there is extra stuff associated with mattress shopping, the main things to consider when picking out your mattress are two basic facts: what mattress type you want and your general body type.

Mattress Type

Most mattresses fall into three separate categories: adjustable, memory foam, and innerspring. An adjustable mattress is a strange category because it doesn’t refer to specific material, but rather a mattress capable of being shifted into different positions. The fancy products seen in numerous commercials tend to be adjustable – in particular, brands like the Sleep Number. This type of mattress’s main selling point is that it is viewed as customizable to the individual. Most of these mattresses are either inflatable, padded, or made of foam.

 A memory foam mattress is one that lacks internal springs and is made of soft yet durable foams. These work well for people who don’t want individual points of support or individuals who like softer mattresses. The materials tend to be antimicrobial. A lot of people with chronic pain conditions or issues with arthritis or fibromyalgia feel more comfortable on foam because it doesn’t cause isolated points of pressure like a traditional innerspring can.

 An innerspring mattress is the traditional variety. You might recognize these because they consist of cushions with springs inside to absorb pressure and bestow the mattress with some give. These innersprings tend to be firm and good for people who want a tougher surface to lay upon. This doesn’t mean this style of mattress is painful. In fact, it can give you the most support!

Your Weight and Body Type

Finally, you should think fairly about your body and what level of comfort you’re looking for. Mattresses are designed to last 5-10 years, and people of different weights will have varying levels of sinkage into the material of the mattress as well as material deterioration. Light individuals who weigh less than 150 lbs. typically need softer, smaller mattresses. A mattress with a dense top will be uncomfortable since it is too firm, while foam and feather-topped options can give the lighter individual a cloudlike feel.

However, most mattresses are made for people who weigh between 150 and 200 lbs. This span of fifty pounds is considered the ‘sweet spot’ when shopping for mattresses because what an individual sees, reads, and feels is what they get. What does this mean? When manufacturers test mattresses, they use people who fall into that weight span, meaning firm and soft mattresses are designed with them in mind. This means a person of middling weight will have an easier time finding a product that suits their needs and will even have better luck shopping online.

Finally, a heavier individual who weighs more than 200 lbs. will want to find a sturdier, thicker mattress to absorb extra pressure and consider that sinking is more likely in a foam mattress. If you weigh more than 200 lbs., you might want to consider buying a sturdier mattress for your comfort.

Buying a Mattress

Once you know the type of mattress you want and your own body type, actually picking out a mattress becomes a matter of personal preference. Although online retailers are tempting, you might find it’s easier to find something comfortable when you can actually go to the store and lay on a mattress to find the best one to you. Once you identify one that’s comfortable, the actual picking out of your mattress becomes a matter of budget and size needed. Find more information here if choosing a mattress still seems confusing.

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