realme 8i green

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With COP26 underway, the environmental crisis is once again being highlighted. The future looks bleak unless we make some significant changes.

Consumer electronics are one of the many problematic areas. Most things nowadays are not designed to be repairable, everything is made of plastic, and many devices have difficult to dispose of lithium batteries.

This is especially true for phone brands. Some companies are starting to improve things and five of Europe’s leading mobile operators have created a new environmental labelling system for phones. This will grade phones based on the environmental impact of the entire process of production, transportation, use and disposal of mobile phones, Eco Rating helps customers to make informed and sustainable choices, providing an overall score from 1 to 100. The closer the score is to 100, the better the sustainability of the device.

Realme are embracing this new environmental approach and two of their latest phones score some of the highest ratings on the market.

realme eco rating

The Realme 8 5G and Realme 8i have both been awarded high scores of 76/100 and 80/100, respectively. Both devices achieved similarly high results in the key area of resource efficiency, with the 8 5G being awarded a score of 85/100 and the 8i 90/100, representing a low impact on the scarcity of resources.

Commenting on the new ratings, Madhav Sheth, Vice President of Realme, President of Realme International Business Group, CEO of Realme Europe, said, “As an industry, we have a commitment towards a better future, and at Realme, being transparent with our users via the Eco Rating labelling scheme is a positive step towards realising that future. We at Realme stand by this with the new 8 5G and 8i ratings, as well as our E-Waste Management Program which incentivises the safe recycling of electronic waste and strive to launch the most eco-friendly products in the near future.”

realme eco rating2

“In line with a series of products we have launched, including smartphones, earphones, and tablets, we proactively advocate the combination of technology and environment, Going and Living Green.”

“Simultaneously, we are developing a unique eco-friendly smartphone, with endeavours to tremendously reduce CO2 emissions. The product will arrive in Europe in the near future.”

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