Wahoo ELEMNT ROAM V2 starred segments

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Wahoo has expanded the integration with third-party apps for their range of ELEMNT devices.

The first up is Trailforks which sounds like it will be a great addition for anyone that rides trails. The integration will allow users to sync routes from their Trailforks account directly to the Wahoo ELEMNT Bike computers and ELEMNT Companion App.

Users will be able to sync Routes (curated routes from the Trailforks database), Rideplans (user-created routes), and Ridelogs (historic rides in Trailforks that can be retraced). Trailforks Pro, the upgrade option, is not required to access this feature.

wahoo addidas

Next up is the Adidas Running integration, which I found confusing at first because I forgot Wahoo had the RIVAL smartwatch.

As you’d expect, this integration will enable users to share the data collected with a Wahoo ELEMNT device with the Adidas Running app

It will still be useful for cyclists as you can sync your activities to the Adidas platform.

To celebrate this partnership, Wahoo and Adidas Running have created the Wahoo x Adidas cycling challenge, available in the Adidas Running app. Users can sign up for a chance to win a Wahoo ELEMNT ROAM bike computer.

Originally posted on Mighty Gadget

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