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Tado has broadened its product range with the launch of the Tado Heat Pump Connector and its accompanying app feature, Tado Balance Heat Pump. This innovative technology allows homeowners to manage their heat pumps in a smarter, more cost-effective manner. When paired with fluctuating hourly electricity rates, this system can slash annual heat pump electricity expenses by an impressive 27%, equating to a saving of around €430. The smart tech prioritises energy usage during the most economical and eco-friendly hours, setting a new standard for affordable, sustainable energy in residential settings.

How Does the Tado Heat Pump Connector Function?

A Smart Investment for New and Existing Heat Pumps

The Tado Heat Pump Connector not only enhances the cost-effectiveness of new heat pump installations but also revitalises existing units. Over a decade, the projected savings could accumulate to a substantial €4,300.

The Installation Process: Easier Than You Think

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Installing the Tado Heat Pump Connector is straightforward. It connects to your heat pump via a cable plugged into the remote control unit’s port. The device communicates with the heat pump through BUS protocol. To complete the setup, users need to link the Tado Internet Bridge to their home WiFi and download the Tado app on their smartphone. Within roughly half an hour, users gain full control over their heat pump through the app.

Tado Balance: The Smart Way to Save on Electricity

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The newly introduced app feature, Tado Balance, capitalises on variable hourly electricity tariffs to minimise costs. It adjusts the heat pump’s operations based on the next day’s electricity price data, shifting energy-intensive activities like pre-heating rooms or filling hot water tanks to more cost-effective times. Tado Balance is compatible with aWATTar HOURLY tariffs as well as other dynamic hourly tariffs from various energy providers.

Pricing, Compatibility, and Availability

As of 30th August 2023, the Tado Heat Pump Connector is available for purchase in multiple European countries, including Germany, Austria, and France, for €299. It currently supports heat pump brands like Vaillant, Atlantic, Saunier Duval, and Fujitsu. Additional brand compatibility is expected in the near future. The optional Tado Balance feature costs €49.99 per year or €5.99 per month, with the first year offered free of charge.

The Economic Viability of the Energy Transition

Heat pumps are incredibly efficient, requiring only a third of the energy consumed by traditional gas or oil heating systems. Despite this, the initial cost remains a barrier for many. Tado aims to make these eco-friendly systems more financially attractive by reducing operational costs, thereby encouraging wider adoption.

Tado’s Expanded Portfolio: More Than Just Heat Pumps

Over the past decade, Tado has focused on helping customers reduce their energy consumption for heating and cooling. The new heat pump control is one of three fresh offerings aimed at further cutting energy costs. Alongside this, Tado has also launched Tado Smart Charging for electric cars and announced a new dynamic energy tariff, aWATTar HOURLY.

Leveraging Volatile Energy Markets for Savings

In most homes, heating and electric car charging account for 80-90% of energy use. Intelligent energy management can yield significant savings, especially as renewable energy sources make electricity prices increasingly unstable. Hourly dynamic tariffs offer consumers a chance to capitalise on these price fluctuations, automatically adjusting energy usage without compromising comfort. This not only reduces annual energy costs but also prevents waste of renewable energy.

By offering a smart, efficient way to manage heat pumps, Tado is setting a new benchmark in home energy management, making it easier for consumers to save money while contributing to a more sustainable future.

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