Aqara Releases Hub M3

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Aqara has announced the global release of its next-generation smart home hub, the Hub M3. This innovative device is designed to provide users with enhanced privacy, local automation capabilities, and seamless integration with a wide range of smart home devices. This is the first Aqara hub that features both Thread and Matter, allowing it to control the recently launched Aqara Matter over Thread products, including the Aqara Motion and Light Sensor P2 and Aqara Door and Windows Sensor P2.

Edge Computing for Enhanced Privacy and Stability

One of the key features of the Hub M3 is its focus on edge computing. By processing data locally, the hub ensures that user information remains private and secure. This is achieved through end-to-end encrypted local storage, which prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data.

In addition to privacy benefits, edge computing also enables the Hub M3 to perform advanced automations locally, without relying on an internet connection or even the hub itself. This means that users can continue to enjoy the benefits of their smart home setup even during internet outages or cloud service disruptions.

Seamless Integration with Aqara and Third-Party Devices

Aqara Hub 3

The Hub M3 is designed to work seamlessly with Aqara’s extensive range of smart home devices, as well as select third-party devices that are compatible with the Matter standard. This interoperability is made possible by the hub’s support for multiple communication protocols, including Thread, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and infrared (IR).

For users who already own an Aqara Zigbee hub, adding the Hub M3 to their network can further enhance the robustness and functionality of their smart home setup. The M3 takes the lead over other Aqara Zigbee hubs and Wi-Fi devices, allowing automations between these devices to execute on the edge instead of relying on the cloud.

Versatile Connectivity and Control

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The Hub M3’s built-in 360° IR blaster enables users to control IR-enabled devices, such as air conditioning units and air-to-air heat pumps, directly from the Aqara Home app. Whenever an IR remote is used, the hub syncs the device’s status with the app, ensuring that users always have an up-to-date overview of their smart home.

In addition to IR control, the M3 integrates with the latest Aqara Thread devices and select Matter-compatible devices from third-party brands. This allows users to connect and manage devices from different ecosystems within the Aqara Home app, providing maximum flexibility and compatibility.

Enhanced Features and Connectivity

The Hub M3 offers several other enhancements that improve its functionality and user experience. These include:

  1. Matter bridge for infrared AC units: The hub can integrate infrared-compatible air conditioning units or air-to-air heat pumps with Matter, enabling AC control and automation via Matter-enabled platforms.
  2. Seamless group migration: Users can easily migrate bridged devices from older Aqara hubs to the M3, ensuring continuity of Aqara Home settings and automations without the need to reconfigure each device individually.
  3. Enhanced internet connectivity: The M3 features dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) with WPA3 security and a PoE-enabled port, offering improved stability and flexibility.
  4. Powerful speaker: The built-in 95 dB speaker can be used for home security alerts and custom announcements, adding an extra layer of functionality to the hub.

Availability and Pricing

The Hub M3 is now available for purchase through Aqara’s Amazon brand stores in North America (US, Canada), Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK), and Asia (Japan). It can also be obtained through select Aqara retailers worldwide. For more information on pricing and availability, interested buyers can visit Aqara’s official website.

The Future of Smart Home Technology

As smart home technology continues to evolve, companies like Aqara are at the forefront of innovation, developing products that prioritize user privacy, convenience, and interoperability. The launch of the Hub M3 represents a significant step forward in this regard, offering users a powerful and versatile device that can serve as the central point of their smart home setup.

With its focus on edge computing, seamless integration with a wide range of devices, and advanced automation capabilities, the Hub M3 is well-positioned to meet the growing demands of smart home enthusiasts and casual users alike. As more consumers embrace the benefits of connected living, products like the Hub M3 will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of smart home technology.


The launch of the Aqara Hub M3 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of smart home technology. With its advanced edge computing capabilities, seamless integration with a wide range of devices, and focus on user privacy and convenience, the M3 is poised to become a central component of many smart home setups around the world.

As Aqara continues to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of connected living, consumers can look forward to an ever-expanding range of smart home solutions that cater to their unique needs and preferences. The Hub M3 is just the latest example of Aqara’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology that empowers users to live smarter, more efficient, and more connected lives.

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