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Most sleep tracking apps and gadgets look at your movement during the night and not much else. However an important condition that affects your sleep and cause other serious health concerns is Sleep Apnea.

Most sleep tracking apps and gadgets look at your movement during the night and not much else. However an important condition that affects your sleep and cause other serious health concerns is Sleep Apnea.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. Each pause can last for a few seconds to a few minutes and they happen many times a night. In the most common form, this follows loud snoring, and many people ignore the issue thinking it is just snoring. Apnea can cause various health issues including fatigue, depression and in serious cases, stroke and heart failure.  Currently over 20 millions people in the US suffer from the disease so it is something that should be taken more seriously.

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Withings has released a new update to its sleep tracking mat that could help users recognize the symptoms of this disorder.

Withings Sleep offers sleep cycles analysis (deep, light and REM), heart rate tracking and snore detection. It also features IFTTT integration for scenarios such as dimming lights when you go to bed, or turning up your thermostat when you get up.

With the current price of £100 it is considerably cheaper than the Apple Beddit and with the inclusion of the Apnea detection it is now more functional.

Sleep is something we should all take more seriously and over the years I have tried to optimise the quality of mine, after suffering from insomnia for many years. I have reviewed sleep trackers before, and I am always trying to find the perfect mattress such. I currently have the Withings Sleep Mat to review and should have it done withing a few weeks. I am quite interested to see if I suffer from Apnea myself, as I know I snore quite a bit, and generally wake up a lot at night. Keep an eye out for the review soon.

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