Nvidia RTX

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No one is going to argue that the latest Nvidia RTX 20xx cards are insanely priced, and with little competition, Nvidia can get away with it.

The whole RTX lineup has been a bit of a PR nightmare really. The new RTX technology that has been thrust upon us has not been as well received as Nvidia might have liked, and now Nvidia will enable raytracing on none RTX cards, perhaps to show off just how good the RTX cards are. Now it is believed that AMD Navi 20 cards will have raytracing power, likely in some form of open standard similar to FreeSync is to G-Sync.

It is not all doom and gloom though if you want the best of the best, Nvidia are still it and Overclockers have launched a sale across the full range for several of the cards. As usual, this has also trigdered Amazon to price match many of the cards, so you have your choice of vender in many case.

Some of the savings are only marginal, but every little helps. The Palit 2080ti technically has 1% deducted off it, but that still works out at a tenner.

The MSI RTX 2080 Venus represents a better buy with £60 knocked off going down from £659.99 to £599.99.

The Zotac Gigabyte RTX 2070 is aslo now £419.99 though this is for the Mini version, you can bump that up to the EVGA RTX 2070 Black Edition for £30 at £449.99.

EVGA RTX 2080 ti Black Edition for £1049.99

I’m itching for an upgrade, but I already have a GTX 1070 and want a 2nd card for a gaming PC in the living room. The EVGA 2070 is tempting, but that is still a lot of money when I can already game on my main PC!

With Overclockers you will need to factor in delivery costs, which is around £10, so not exactly cheap. I have skimmed over Amazon, and apart from the ones Amazon has priced match, the pricing is superb.

The graphics cards on sale include:

Amazon price matched options:

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