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There is no doubt that cloud technology has revolutionized IT systems in businesses all over the world. From data storage and computing to new printers from companies like Konica Minolta Australia, there are few pieces of tech in businesses that don’t feature cloud-based software. Much like any advancement in technology, however, there are certain security fears when it comes to the cloud, especially when we are discussing highly sensitive corporate data. There are some measures that we must take when dealing with, storing, and sending corporate data, and here is how you can keep it protected.

Password Management

One of the oldest ways to hack a system is password cracking and it is still very much used today. It doesn’t take a hacker long to understand a few basic details about ourselves and then run a simple piece of software to guess a wide range of combinations of potential passwords. This is still very much used today and it is why a strong, unique password of numbers, symbols, and letters should be set up. Beyond this it is important that businesses regularly update those passwords, every 3 months should be enough. And finally, it is important that different passwords are used on different cloud accounts, to maximize security.

Two-factor Authentication

Another great way of ensuring the security of your data is to implement two-factor authentication when logging into cloud accounts. The password forms the first factor of authentication and the second will be email confirmation, a phone number confirmation, or perhaps even the use of an authenticator app that will be set up to operate solely for the cloud account. This not only helps to keep prying eyes out, but you will get alerts whenever someone is suspected of trying to log in to your account.

Encrypting Files

If you have files encrypted then you are going to have added yet another layer of security to any sensitive files which you may be storing. What encryption does is change the data to code, which then requires another password in order to unlock it. Even if someone were to gain access to the account, they will then need to know another password to gain access to the files. Most cloud service providers will offer this as standard.

Multiple Backups

Whilst the cloud is a very reliable storage option for your data, it is always important that this is not the only place where you have files backed up. Multiple backups will ensure that no matter what happens to the cloud server, you will always have additional copies of your important files. Remember that the threat to your data is not just a security breach, but also potential loss through being locked out or through a service crashing on you.

Follow these steps sooner rather than later so that you can ensure all of your data is backed up and well protected against any form of risk. Security for your data is of paramount importance.

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