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Any links to online stores should be assumed to be affiliates. The company or PR agency provides all or most review samples. They have no control over my content, and I provide my honest opinion.

Within your working day, your team may receive a number of telephone calls and emails, which they will need to respond to. While most of these may legitimately be to do with your business, some may come from those who partake in scams and phishing. To help yourself, and those you work with, reduce the likelihood of falling for these scams, there are a few actions that you can take.

Check Call Numbers

Having a caller ID function on a phone can be incredibly useful when it comes to safety. Sadly, even calls that seem legitimate can be through a spoofed number, which is made to look like another. If there is ever any doubt about the legitimacy of a call, you should incorporate a procedure within your business that the individual should hang up, look for a correct number, and call it back. It may turn out that the call was above board, in which case you can simply apologise and explain that it is part of your protocol to protect staff against scams. If not, then the number can be reported to the fraud department, where it can be investigated, allowing you to recommence with your day.

Consider Security

Using secure webpages can be vital to keeping your personal information safe, especially when undertaking transactions. Some of the ways you can do this are to look for the padlock on the browser, which denotes that there are security measures in place, as well as to check the webpage itself for the correct URL. Having a good antivirus software in place on your computer can also help to prevent keylogging from taking place, which is where scammers gain your information through the things that you type. These may also flag up potentially dangerous websites, which you can then avoid.

Check Emails

Scams do not only occur through telephone calls. Emails pretending to be from lawyers, banks, and even well-known companies can often be found. These may even be set out with the same logo as the legitimate site or company, but there are ways to check if they are real. Any links that you click may not be correct, and it is always worth looking at the email address that sent the communication, as this can highlight whether or not it is genuine. Any email that is not from the designated website can be assumed to be a scam. If this occurs, instruct your team to report the email, as this can help to prevent them from operating, or scamming someone else. You can also instruct your email provider to class those communications as spam, so that they no longer appear in your main inbox.

Raising awareness of scams and phishing within the workplace can help to better protect your team and business. It could be a good idea to offer training to employees regarding how to spot scams, especially for those who are not overly confident in using technology.

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