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When you’re serious about gaming, you know how important it is to have the essentials necessary to give the ultimate PC gaming experience. Notice, the keyword is PC, not console. A lot of the games you can play on a console, you can play on a PC, but there are a lot more games on a PC that consoles don’t have access to.

PC vs. Console: Fight!


There has been a debate that’s been going on for many years, and that debate is over which one (PC or console) gives a gamer the best gaming experience. Each one has its pros and cons that avid gamers will argue you down about but at the end of the day, it boils down to your personal preference and whether or not you like quality!

With consoles, it doesn’t take much… all you really need is a TV, a console, and something to sit in… a beanbag chair will do. It’s not the most comfortable setup but hey, if that’s what you like, then great! For PC gamers, you’ll need more than just your PC to perform at your highest level. As a PC gamer, here are some of the essential items needed to take your gaming experience from novice level to expert level.

True Gamers Need Their Battlestation

Take a good look at what you’re gaming on. Are you battling on a $10 wobbly table you bought at a garage sale? Or a scratched up wooden desk that your coworker gave you? Neither one is an acceptable answer. If you do have one of those contraptions to do your gaming on, then it’s way past time for you to upgrade.

Now, if you’re a true gamer, then you know how much time you spend playing your games. It’s high time to invest in your gaming experience. When looking for a gaming desk, you first need to figure out your needs and ask yourself a few questions in relation to your desk.

  • Will you utilize every part of your desk when gaming?
  • Do you have a large monitor or multiple monitors?
  • How many gaming accessories do you have and can they be stored in your desk?

You’ll Need a Proper Thrown to Conquer Your Battles

You sit at your desk for hours upon hours advancing to new levels, right? Well, have you paid any attention to what exactly you’re sitting on? If not, then you should! You need to treat your glutes and your back to some TLC when it comes to sitting for extended periods of time.

Embody Chair – Herman Miller intended for Herman Miller Embody Chair – states that prolonged sitting can cause a wide range of health effects from bad posture to overworking postural tissues. In knowing that, you definitely want to find a chair with great back and neck support without giving the look of geriatrics. A lot of the racecar style gaming chairs are popular… they’re the perfect gift for the gamer who loves everything involving tech!

Weaponry with a Simple Click

With online gaming, you’re going to need the best of gaming mice. You need a mouse that fits your hand and has plenty of cool features to make your gaming experience a victory with each level. There are even left-handed gaming mice!

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To go along with your gaming mouse, you’re also going to need a mousepad. In the world of PC gaming, you really can’t have a gaming mouse without a mousepad… it’s a very necessary gaming accessory.

When shopping for a mousepad, you want to make sure you get one that’s big enough to where there won’t be any doubt in your mind that you might possibly be dragging your mouse off the pad.

Keep Your Battleship Organized with a Headset Holder

No more looking high and low for your headsets, leaving them on your desk, and the most unforgivable of them all… leaving them on the floor. You now have the opportunity to keep a clean and organized gaming area by way of headset holders. They can be stashed and out of the way under your desk. It’s probably something you thought you never needed but glad you have and are really not quite sure how you gamed without it.

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