Cyberpunk Alternatives

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Cyberpunk 2077 is the most hyped game in years, and for many a massive let down. The PS4 and Xbox One launch has been disastrous with a terribly buggy launch. Even the PS5 release appears to have all sorts of issues with regular crashing.

My experience on the PC has been less problematic, some minor glitches here and there, nothing game-breaking, but I run a moderately high specced computer with the RTX 3080.

However, even PC and next-gen console gamers have expressed their disappointment in the game outside of all the glitches. Many think it generally does not live up to the hype and stating the storyline is subpar and slow.

So far, I have personally enjoyed it a lot, but I can see why people think it doesn’t meet their expectations.

If you are disappointed with the game, can’t run or afford it, then there are plenty of amazing alternatives, but nothing exactly like Cyberpunk 2077.

With this being an open-world action RPG, there are not many options that involve guns, and less that have a cyberpunk theme.

So if you are looking for a good Cyberpunk 2077 alternative, you may have to decide what aspects of the game appealed to you and choose from there.

Deus Ex Franchise – Mankind Divided & Human Revolution

Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Limited Edition (PS3) Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Limited Edition (PS3) No ratings yet £8.00

I love the Deus Ex franchise so I may be biased. I have fond memories of the original game from my childhood. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a superb reboot of the game launched back in 2011 and is available on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, so it is a good choice if you are running older hardware or want something affordable to play

Deus Ex: The Fall is quite forgettable so you can skip that one unless you really love Deus Ex.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is probably the best alternative to Cyberpunk 2077. It has many of the same elements, being an action RPG with a skill tree offering FPS along with stealth and hacking elements.

The world isn’t quite as open, and the skill trees are not quite as RPG-y, but it is an amazing game and well worth playing.

It is available on all last-gen hardware, and best of all it is cheap as chips. CD Keys has it for the PC and Xbox One with the deluxe editions costing £6.99 and £7.69 then the Playstation store has it for just £5.24

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Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 was developed by CD Projekt Red and is often regarded as one of the best games in a generation. The massive popularity of this is what drove the hype for Cyberpunk 2077.

This game has all the base elements of what Cyberpunk 2077 was supposed to be, a story-driven open-world action RPG.

It is a massive game, runs on the PS4 and Xbox One, plus runs well on moderately specced PCs. There are various HD texture packs so it can look amazing too.

However, it is more traditionally RPG, being set in a fantasy world with swords/magic etc.

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Mass Effect 3 & Mass Effect: Andromeda

A rare action role playing game based in the future with good character progression and the option to have different character classes.

Andromeda had some mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it. It was released in 2017 so should be quite playable on moderately specced PCs while also being available on the PS4 and Xbox One

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Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 (Xbox One) Borderlands 3 (Xbox One) No ratings yet £9.99Amazon Prime
Borderlands 3 (PS4) Borderlands 3 (PS4) No ratings yet £3.41

I have not noticed many people mention Borderlands when talking about Cyberpunk 2077, but there are many similar elements.

Both are open-world FPS with drivable vehicles in a futuristic setting. Characters and guns are upgradable with stats and mods. There is an eclectic number of weapon choices, and the fighting dynamic is quite similar, in my opinion.

I struggled to love the Borderlands franchise, myself, but it is still a great alternative

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

More of an alternative to the Witcher 3. This is the game I have put more hours into than any, so again I am biased. Another open-world, story driver action RPG. It has an extensive character progression tree, which I loved, but also meant that there was quite a lot of grinding to be done.

This is also available on the Nintendo Switch, but a bit of a ridiculous price.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of the newest game on this list, it is available on last-gen and current/next-gen consoles plus the PC.

Valhalla has received high praise from many, often claiming it is the best Assassin’s Creed game in years, if not ever. Each iteration has introduced more and more RPG elements.

It is based in  873 AD, so less guns more swords, but it could be a great choice to buy before Cyberpunk 2077 while CD Projekt Red iron out all the problems in Cyberpunk.

I still have Odyssey to finish, so I haven’t got round to playing this yet, it is on my list after Cyberpunk.

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Watch Dogs Franchise including Watch Dogs: Legion

Another game with a lot of similarities though this is more an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. While there isn’t so much of an RPG skill tree, there are hacks and various weapons you can unlock and upgrade. The futuristic setting, combined with hacking and shooting, give it similarities to Cyberpunk, but I find the game feels a little shallow and quickly becomes very repetitive.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition (Playstation 4) Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition (Playstation 4) No ratings yet £24.99

Shamefully I only played this recently (when it launched on the PC). I was not too fond of the sound of it at first, but it turned out enjoyable. Set in the future, but with no guns, this open-world action role-playing game has a decent storyline with good character progression and stealth elements too.

This is not available on the Xbox, but is on the PS4 and PC.

Last update on 2025-02-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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