Google Search Console 500 Error

Any links to online stores should be assumed to be affiliates. The company or PR agency provides all or most review samples. They have no control over my content, and I provide my honest opinion.

[Update @ 07:50 BST / 06:50 UTC] It is now working for me but the search console data is still stuck on Friday

While this is not quite my usual consumer tech news, it will likely be affecting many website owners this morning.

Currently, when you log into Google Search Console, formerly Webmaster Tools, and try and view a domain property, you will be greeted with a 500 error.

I have tested this across browsers and different accounts to make sure this is not localised to my account.

Users are starting to report this issue on Twitter within the thread of Google reporting a completely different Search Console issue. The issue appears to be worldwide.

On the rare occasion, a Google service does go down it is normally restored in minutes but the error has persisted for a couple of hours since I have tested it.

Looking at Twitter, most users have started to report it within the past hour (it is currently 4:50 BST / 03:50 UTC / 23:50 EDT)

Google Search Console 500 Error twitter2
Google Search Console 500 Error twitter

Delayed Google Search Console Reports

In the past few days, if you have checked your search console reports, you may have noticed that they are not showing data up to the previous day.

When I checked yesterday (Tuesday), search, discovery and news data were all still stuck on Friday’s data.

The search console team have tweeted:

“We’re currently experiencing longer than usual delays in the Search Console performance report. This only affects reporting, not crawling, indexing, or ranking of websites. We’ll update here once this issue is resolved. Thanks for your patience!”

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  1. I gave experience of a slow decay since late Aug. Depleting of page growth in search console and site indexing search fell flat line 60% in reduction of 17000 page verified count. Now search console down. I researched found this happened same time last year. Coincidence? Will there be a major change? Filtering or non-filter? Now I want a coffee 🙂

  2. Glad to know it isn’t just me. It looks like in my Analytics, that it hasn’t been registering data for several days as well.

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