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When making a purchase of any kind, be it a one-off item, a subscription, or a service, you will no doubt want to get the best value for money possible. The internet is filled with money-saving tips, but the four laid out below are absolutely essential to making the best buy possible.

There is, of course, no one-size-fits-all answer to getting a product or service at a good price, but by being patient and making time to do some research, you stand a decent chance of doing so.

1. Do Your Research

Finding the product you need online is easy. What takes time is finding it for the best price. If it is a commonly and easily found item, Amazon is the one-stop-shop for the vast majority of the United Kingdom. Simply because it is convenient; however, it does not mean it is the cheapest. 

By looking beyond Amazon and towards independent retailers, online or otherwise, there is a good chance you will find the item for a lower price. This goes for non-physical objects, too, such as purchasing a phone contract or hiring a tradesman.

2. Know What You Want

While you are doing your research, keep in mind that to get the best price for something, you must work out exactly what it is that you want to buy. Your research may begin with a vague idea, but during the course of your search, you should refine it to a specific product, such as a particular mobile phone model or service.

This will put you in a far simpler position when comparing prices from one retailer or provider to another.

3. Comparison Websites

Review websites and comparison websites can be the most useful tool at your disposal in the hunt for lower prices. To take services, rather than products as an example, you can compare prices of phone and internet contract providers, insurance companies, and even utility suppliers.

This does not stop at services for personal use, either. It is possible to compare business water suppliers online, along with suppliers of gas and electricity for businesses, and make an informed decision on switching. This is one of the quickest and simplest ways of saving money when making new purchases.

4. Wait for Offers

Finally, once you have settled on a retailer or provider that you intend to purchase from, wait for offers if you can.

Of course, if you are in dire need of the item, you do not have time for this and should snap it up at the lowest price you can find. However, in the run-up to Christmas, it is eminently possible that what you intend to buy will be reduced in the Black Friday reductions or, if you can wait even longer, the Boxing Day and January sales.

This is savvy shopping and should see you spend much less money if done cumulatively. If it is utilities or service providers that you are shopping with, sales are much less likely, and you could use your current deals to negotiate lower prices instead.

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