How much does it cost to run a hot tub or Lazy Spa after October energy price cap increase? And how to reduce electricity costs

How much does it cost to run a hot tub or Lazy Spa after October energy price cap increase? And how to reduce electricity costs

[Update 8th September 2022] I have updated some of the figures below to represent what is expected to be the new-new October price cap which is a price cap on the price cap which will be government-backed through a £100bn of loans. I fully expect the government will find some way to screw us sooner…

Phantom Energy Costs – Now vs October 2022 & January 2023 Electricity Costs  

Phantom Energy Costs – Now vs October 2022 & January 2023 Electricity Costs  

Things are looking very bleak in the UK for the next couple of years. By far, the biggest issue we all face is the massive increase in the cost of electricity and gas. In the past few months, I have done some posts on the current running costs of portable air conditioners, washing machines and…

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